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Fading Happiness December 30, 2009 Wednesday

Posted by mrvangeldren in Belleville, Family, Friends.
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Dear Mom,

I am sorry I am not the child you dreamed of. But can you please stop yelling at me and reminding me everyday how disappointed you are?

Sincerely yours,


Sometimes I look back when I was around the age of five and I remember my mom as this pure and happy person. I would tell her everything and even when she wasn’t listening I would know that she cared. I remembered her as being happy, but those memories of her are just that memories. Now all I see is a miserable woman and sometimes I can’t help but think that I am the cause of her misery. I am eighteen now and my mom constantly threatens to kick me out. She repeats it over and over that I am the cause of her problems and that she doesn’t need my shit.

Honestly mom I don’t need your shit, but I have no where else to go. So for now I guess I just have to deal.

Toofache October 20, 2009 Tuesday

Posted by mrvangeldren in Friends, Sports.
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October 20th 2009

October 20th 2009

I got ditched. I am tired of explanations of why, can’t there just be a sorry and an “It was my fault.”

I am probably making a big deal about nothing, but it’s just something I can’t seem to get over. I honestly don’t understand. It’s just that although the plans weren’t anything big, I don’t appreciate being left at the last second with barely no explanation of why. I mean if there were prior plans to begin with just tell me. All you have to do is tell me! Text messages that just say “Yea.”, “No”, and “Sure..” annoy me the most. It probably is no big deal, but for some reason it means something to me. Just a little bit.

-End Complaining-

I played tennis for the majority of the day.

I hate Biology labs. My sleep was taken away from me and I cannot forgive you Biology lab.